Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama Identity Crises

     Ever since the country heard Mitt Romney, there was been a major shift in the polls.   Over the past few weeks, I have observed how this shift in opinion has affected Obama and Romney. These two men are under enormous pressure and it is fascinating to watch the dynamics play out.
     There is less that 13 days left in this long road to November 6 is this is when the "bone marrow" of the person is revealed. Mitt Romney is appearing in control, optimistic and energized.  President Obama looks like he is taking is cues from the sidelines. He looks overwhelmed, confused and lost.  
     Reminds me of the Robert Redford movie years ago entitled, "The Making of a President."  The last scene of the movie is revealing when Redford wins on his image and is finally alone in the Oval Office and says, "What have I done?" 
    Ever since I saw Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention when Kerry was running for President, I told myself then that this guy could be the first African American President.  Sadly, I think the far left folks got their hooks in him and crafted their agenda.  I think Obama is way over his head and it is telling in his words, actions and demeanor.
    This country is at a cross-road and I pray that the people of this country see the reality of the leadership we need for the future of this country. Do not vote for the man who is trying to re-craft the timeless principles and values this country was founded on.

Jane Jenkins Herlong

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